Embrace Zouk in Taipei with Gui & Kelsey
Gui & Kelsey are coming to Taiwan for the first time! We have followed and admired them for years, and we are thrilled to have them coming to teach us their Embrace Zouk methodology. This is a unique 10-hour course focused on dancing Brazilian Zouk in close embrace. We will learn the different types and levels of close embrace and how to dance comfortably while maintaining this level of connectedness.
Embrace zouk is a * progressive course * designed to be learned from the beginning, so there will be no single day workshop passes. We recommend dancers have at least 6 months of experience dancing zouk to sign up for this course.
Please see the schedule for details on class and party times and locations
Class Details:
|Workshop #1 (2 hours): Building the Embrace and the Principles for Gliding Together
Here is where we begin. Dancing in close embrace can be magical or the complete opposite. Therefore, this will be our most important workshop and the foundation of everything that comes next. In this class we will go over the main aspects behind building, staying, and moving in close embrace. How much tension should I hold, where do my hands go, where do I place my arms, where do I connect?
We will answer all these questions and one more, the big one: how do I glide on the dance floor? We will show you the principles to create smoothness and we can tell you already – It’s all about the feet!
|Workshop #2 (2 hours): Exploring the Basics – Going Beyond Basic in Place and Linear Basic
There is a lot more you can do with the basics in closed position.
Learning variations to the basics will develop our footwork and already have a big effect on your dancing. In this workshop, we will explore a couple of different options of basic footwork so we can start putting the gliding feeling into our bodies. We will also dive into the possibilities of travelling with the basic footwork that, combined with the variations, will create a different feeling in your Zouk dancing.
|Workshop #3 (1 hour): More time for more variations
In our last hour of the day we’ll put everything together and give our bodies time to integrate through practice.
We’ll show some ideas of ways to connect the variations and you’ll get time to practice while we’re available to help and answer questions.
|Workshop #4 (2 hours): Advanced Footwork for Traveling and Changing Directions
The feeling of flying and gliding together depends on the controlled use of footwork and weight transfers.
To continue developing these amazing sensations we will dive into more possibilities with the fundamentals, this time adding lateral, viradinha and direction changes. We will also see something very important: the adjustments we have to make with every single step.
This workshop will teach you a lot about adaptation and control, two super important tools to be able to fly and glide with almost everyone.
|Workshop #5 (2 hours): Principles for Head Movement in Close Embrace
The way head movements work in close embrace is a little different from open embrace, we don’t have the lower body free and use a lot less engagement on lats or back.
In this workshop we will see the basic principles to prepare the head movement in close embrace, using lower body, dissociation, and the malleable frame. Then, we will go into applying basic footwork with head movements in close position. Here the feeling of flying and gliding acquire a different layer, since we see our surroundings going up and down, side to side. It is truly amazing and so much fun!
|Workshop #6 (1 hour): Putting everything together
This will be maybe the most important hour – the hour we integrate everything and make sure we got it.
What we want the most is that you leave the weekender being able to incorporate its key elements in your social dance and bring more options, fun, and comfort to it.
We’ll take this time to review, try, and practice everything we saw, with an opportunity to ask more questions. We can’t wait to see how everything will come together. -Gui
Kelsey Rote
Gui Prada

Gui started dancing in 2004, but it was not unitl December 2006, when he joined the Jaime Aroxa Dance Studio in Rio de Janeiro that he really focused on partner dancing. For three years, his very intense training schedule included classes from 3 pm to 12 am in all Brazilian partner dance styles, plus Salsa and Tango. For three more years, Gui remained at the studio with a slightly less intense schedule, before leaving to broaden his horizons in 2012. He also fell in love with Argentine Tango in 2009, making annual trips to Buenos Aires to train. In November 2017, he started his teaching career at District Zouk in Washington DC, where he continues to teach. He also created The Universe Behind the Hug workshops and Finding Zouk, which has toured to over 12 cities in the US. His teachings on connection has expanded to Europe, where is the current lead lecturer of Module 7 of the MAC (Method Alex de Carvalho) program in Paris.