How to check into Flow classes 

  1. If you *never* registered online with Flow, Register Here.
  2. After you registered, go to “Buy Points” page and choose how many classes you would like to purchase.
  3. Choose a class and click “Check In” next to the date you want.
  4. For online classes, use the meeting link in My Online Classes 我登記了線上課 or in the confirmation email to join the class.

Q: What is the difference between Salsa, Bachata, and Brazilian Zouk?
A: Please see our Dance Styles introduction page.


Q: Do I need to register before coming to class for the first time?
A: Yes.  Please Register Here before coming to the studio.  You can pay in cash or by purchasing points online and checking in.

Q: How can I pay for Flow points?
A:You can buy online with a credit card or by bank transfer.  The points will be automatically added to your account. If it is not added correctly, please contact us through the official line @flowtaipei

Q: How do I cancel if I can’t attend the class?
A: If you have checked into the class but cannot attend, please go back to the check in page at least 1 hour in advance, and click the yellow “Cancel” button next to the class

Q:Is there an expiration date for Flow points? Can I get a refund?
1. Flow points expire after 1 year.
2. Point purchases are non-refundable.  You can transfer them to other students, however, but you cannot sell them for more than you paid.

Q: Can I use points to register my friends for “classes” or “events”?
A 1: Every student taking a class at Flow must register and check in by themselves.  However, you can transfer points to them if you want to pay for them.
A 2: You can use your own points to check in friends for events. Use the “Pay for a friend with my points” button on the Event Check In page.

Q: Are classes taught in Chinese or English?
A: It depends on the students. Most classes are taught mainly in Chinese, but if some students cannot speak Chinese, the teachers will also explain in English. All teachers can speak sufficient English to teach, so don’t worry if you cannot speak Chinese!

Q: Why should I learn to dance?
A: Everyone has different reasons to learn dance, of course, but generally people learn to dance because dancing makes them happy. When you begin to dance, you become more aware of your body and learn a new way to communicate with people. Dance is not just movement- it is also communication- between partners, performers and an audience, or even with oneself as a form of meditation. When you understand how to communicate with dance you can meet and form relationships with people not just in Taipei but throughout the world. Many people who start dancing with a one hour class once a week soon find themselves going to parties every week and eventually traveling internationally to attend dance events and meet international friends who have visited Taiwan. Dance can be something you do only in the studio if that’s what you want, or it can open the whole world to you.

Q: But I am too… (young, old, out of shape, introverted)…
A: If you enjoy music and learning new ways to move your body and interacting with people in a way that doesn’t require a lot of talking, you can learn to dance. Dancers are all different ages, body shapes, and personalities. If you genuinely desire to learn dance and can open your mind and body to be taught and interact with new people in a considerate and respectful way, don’t let fear talk you out of taking your first step into the studio. You can do it!

Q: Do I need any experience?
A: We regularly offer short-term courses for complete beginners. These classes are designed for people who have absolutely no experience in any form of dance. If you’ve never danced before, or it’s been a long time, or you haven’t danced that particular dance style before, these beginner classes are for you! We also have higher level classes which require that you have the level of experience to keep up with the curriculum.

Q: Do I need to bring a partner?
A: No! All dancers rotate in every regular class, so there is no need to bring a partner. If you wish to train only with a specific partner, we offer private training sessions as well.

Q: How much does dance training cost?
A: Regular classes are 1 Flow point/hour.  You can see the various discounts we offer at Flow Points.

Q: How long do I have to learn before I can enjoy dancing socially (at parties)?
A: This answer is different for everyone. Some people are very brave and start going to parties after just a few classes. Others take a little longer to feel comfortable. It’s up to how much effort you put in and your level of self-confidence.

Q: What types of classes do you offer?
A1: Normal classes – we offer regular weekly solo and partnerwork classes in Salsa, Bachata, and Brazilian Zouk.
A2: Choreography courses – these courses last 4-10 weeks.  You pay for the whole course upfront.  We do not offer refunds for choreography courses.
A3: Thematic courses – We also occasionally offer courses in special topics like DJ training, high-heels training, etc. You pay for the whole course upfront, and we do not offer refunds.

Q: What should I wear to dance class?
A: Please wear comfortable clothing that you can move freely in. Don’t wear clothes that are too baggy or too tight. If you do not have dance shoes in the beginning, wear whatever shoes you feel comfortable in. It is better if the soles of your shoes are not rubber as rubber will make it harder to turn.

Q: What kind of parties does Flow hold?
A1: Azucar Salsa & Bachata Party 3 times a month, Friday 21:45-1:00 (Salsa in the main room and Bachata in the small room)
A2: Bachata Mi Amor Once a month, Friday 21:45-1:00 (Bachata 6 : Zouk 2 music ratio in the main room, Kizomba in C room)
A3: Zouk Infinity- Once a month, Saturday 21:00-12:00 (100% Zouk)

Q: How are Salsa courses arranged?
– Salsa Level 1 is a course of 8 lessons. The first lesson is a trial price. The course content is basic steps, two-person concept, and basic circles.
– Levels 2-4 are each 8 weeks.  Salsa intermediate is an invitation-only course.

Q: How are Bachata courses arranged?
– Bachata Intro is an 8 class course.
– Bachata Beginner is a 16-class course.
– Bachata Open level is an ongoing course with no fixed-cycle.
– Bachata Intermediate is an invitation-only course

How are Zouk courses arranged?
– Zouk Intro is 12 lessons
– Zouk Open Level is for everyone who has completed Zouk Intro or its equivalent
– Zouk Training Group is by invitation only

Q: Where can I buy dance shoes?

建議初學者可先買平底的舞蹈專用練習鞋(ex.: 爵士鞋或芭蕾舞軟鞋),可到西門町漢中街一帶的舞蹈用品店選購,
本店: 台北市南昌路一段129號
02 2357 6077 (週日公休)

長安店 (x D.Passion): 台北市長安東路二段189號
02 2751 3645

中和店: 景新街342號3樓

安法舞鞋: 台北市基隆路一段8號10樓之一
02 2760 3789

女王舞鞋: 新北市板橋區民生路二段234巷2弄5號1樓(板南線新埔捷運站3號出口2分鐘, 位於千硯室內設計公司內)


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