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Co-founder and Creative Director of TLDA
TLDA Salsa舞團創辦人, Salsa教師, Salsa活動DJ Copa Taiwan Salsa系列活動主持人, Taiwan Salsa嘉年華主辦人
Calvin是台灣主要的Salsa教師及活動主辦人之一。 2008年,他開始學習Salsa,先後師從台北名師Maggie老師、Sol老師、Gino老師,並在2009年開始主辦定期的Salsa活動。 2015年,與Candy一同成立台灣知名舞團Salsa Piratas(Salsa海賊團),訓練團員並多次參與表演活動。 2017年,與Mandy老師攜手成立TLDA舞團,教育台灣的Salsa舞者,並致力於推廣Salsa及拉丁文化。
Calvin Wang is the co- founder of TLDA Salsa Dance Studio, a salsa instructor and a DJ. He is also the host of Copa Taiwan Salsa Series, and the organizer of Taiwan Salsa Carnival.
Calvin is one of the most important salsa instructors and organizers in Taiwan. He started learning Salsa from well-known teachers Maggie, Sol, and Gino in Taipei in 2008 and started organizing regular salsa events in 2009. In 2015, he founded SALSA PIRATAS DANCE TEAM with Candy Chiang, training members and performing in Taiwan. In 2017 he and Mandy Wang founded TLDA together to educate dancers and spread the joy of salsa and Latin culture to people in Taiwan.