

Cheli 從小熱愛音樂與舞蹈,4歲開始學鋼琴、小提琴,7歲時加入雪璟青少年舞團,專攻民俗、現代、以及芭蕾。從一次小六的暑假跟著舞團去北京舞蹈學院訓練之後,便開啟了她對各少數民族、各國舞蹈文化的興趣,並在小學、國、高中時期每年參加台北市個人舞蹈比賽,以及舞團大小的表演。
大學時期就讀台大工商管理系,曾在系上編女舞,並結合舞蹈、音樂才能自編自導歌舞劇。期間也曾獲選外交大使,前往邦交國諾魯,教當地學生跳民俗舞和各種文化交流。Cheli 每到一個新的地方就愛用舞蹈、音樂認識當地文化。在倫敦交換時曾加入了印度寶萊屋舞團、 在墨西哥旅居時參加原住民舞蹈節慶並拍攝紀錄片、也在阿根庭當社工時學過 Tango。
2015年在秘魯寫論文研究時加入Salsa舞團,這也是她愛上拉美與Salsa的起始點。後來回荷蘭完成碩士並開始工作,同時不斷進修 Salsa 和參加各國 festivals。除了舞蹈音樂以外,Cheli 對拉丁文化、語言也有豐富的了解,曾旅居墨西哥、古巴、秘魯、玻利維亞、阿根廷。這幾年搬到了西班牙南部,加入Bersy的 Afro-Mambo 舞團並在歐洲不同城市表演。同時也遇見當地知名的古巴鋼琴手,開始修習拉丁音樂、組樂團,她的理念是唯有理解音樂,才能真正跳舞。

Ever since she was a child, Cheli has been in love with music and dance. She started dancing when she was 7 years old, specializing in traditional Chinese folk dance, contemporary, and ballet. She participated in Taipei’s individual dance competitions and various levels of performances every year until college.

When she was 11 years old, she followed her dance troupe to train in the Beijing Dance Academy. Since then, her interest in different dances and cultures began to bloom. In university, she choreographed dance shows and musicals. She was also selected as a diplomatic ambassador, for which she visited Nauru to teach local students Taiwanese culture and dance. During her exchange study in London, she joined Bollywood dance troupe to perform in Diwali, the Festival of Light.

She studied for her master's degree in International Development in the Netherlands and did her fieldwork in Peru, where she joined a salsa troupe by chance and thus began her passion for Latin America and Salsa. Afterwards, she returned to Europe to finish her thesis and began to work, while furthering her training in Salsa and participating in festivals across the world.

Besides music and dance, Cheli is also knowledgeable in Latin American culture and Spanish. In recent years, she moved to Southern Spain, where she joined Bersy's Afro-Mambo troupe and performed in different European cities. At the same time, she encountered a famous Cuban pianist, beginning her studies with him in Latin Music and starting a band. It was her philosophy that only by understanding music can one truly dance.

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