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Jenny回國後開始接觸更多的舞種,不管是salsa, bachata, zouk到kizomba都有涉獵,走遍台北各大教室參加多個舞團訓練,也因為熱愛拉丁音樂開始學習成為拉丁樂DJ為台灣的舞會服務,並幸運地得到參與國際活動的幾會拓展了視野。Jenny的學習還在不斷進行中,但她很樂意跟大家分享自己跳舞和音樂的經驗,跟大家一起學習、開心跳舞!
The bonding between Jenny and dancing started with her ballet experience when she was a little kid. During her school time, she started to try more genres of dance and totally fell in love with dancing since then. Afrer college, Jenny stepped into the salsa world , and she was attracted by not only the happy vibe of salsa dancing, but also the beauty of latin music and culture. Therefore, she took the chances to experience the salsa parties in different cities in US and the culture in Mexico during her study life abroad.
After coming back to Taiwan, Jenny started learning more genres of latin dance, inculding salsa, bachata, zouk, and kizomba. She went to every main studio in Taipei and joined multiple teams for hardcore training. Also, based on her love for latin music , Jenny decided to become a latin music DJ to serve the parties in Taiwan and events abroad. Her journey of learning is not yet finished, but she is very happy to share her love and experience of dancing and music. Let's learn and dance happily together.