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2012夏天,Martin被朋友帶去Salsa Party後,就被Salsa快樂的音樂給吸引,也就此開始踏上跳Salsa的旅程。一路上跟了很多來自不同國家(台灣/日本/義大利/美國)的老師學習,也交到了很多不同國家的朋友。跳了很多年後覺得,Salsa不只是一個跳蹈而是一種語言,就算你們彼此的口說的語言不通,還是可以透過Salsa來和對方在Salsa上互動交流。透過Social Dance,雖然沒有口語的交流,但透過肢體的互動,可以更直接的認識對方,是一個很難得的經驗。如果和Martin一樣覺得這是一件有趣的事,歡迎來教室學習,一同體驗這個樂趣~
In the summer of 2012, Martin went to a salsa party with his friends. He was attracted by Salsa's happy rhythm, and he began his journey to dance salsa. Along the way, Martin has studied with many teachers from different countries (Taiwan/Japan/Italy/USA) and made many friends from different countries. After dancing for many years, Martin feels that Salsa is not just a dance but a language. Even if you do not speak each other's language, you can still interact with each other through Salsa dance. Through Social Dance, although there is no oral communication, you still can get to know each other through physical interaction and even more directly, which is a rare experience. If that interests you, Martin welcomes you to join his classes and enjoy the journey together~
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Wednesday | |
![]() Salsa Level 2 Sherry & Martin Salsa - Need Approval 需要老師批准 - Wednesday 19:30 - 20:30 |
Friday | |
![]() Salsa Ready-to-social實用101招 Sherry & Martin Salsa Friday 19:45 - 20:45 |