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Dancing Island


由已故韓國籍舞蹈大師SOL於2011年所成立,是台灣風格獨具的Salsa舞團。Dancing Island師承老師的多元舞蹈風格,融合拉丁、芭蕾、街舞、現代舞、以及Afro Cuban等等。秉持不斷創新的精神在表演、創作以及教學上。

Established in 2011 by the late Korean dance master SOL, Dancing Island is a uniquely Taiwanese Salsa dance company. Dancing Island inherits the diverse dance styles of the teachers- a fusion of Latin, ballet, hip-hop, modern dance, Afro Cuban, and others. They strive to uphold a spirit of continuous innovation in performance, creation and teaching.

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