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Freya在小學時期因舞蹈的天份而被選為民族舞導表演的一員,在輔大就讀期間因參與舞蹈社團習得過際標準舞,並與團員參與校內外團體與個人的演出.也為日後殿下與舞蹈的不解之緣. 2009年接觸來自拉丁舞系的SALSA與BACHATA因對其豐富浪漫音樂性與自由個性化的舞風吸引.故而即全心投入成為學習發展的主要方向. 2011年於韓籍老師SOL學習更精進SALSA舞蹈.融和拉丁爵士、hiphop、芭蕾、現代舞等舞蹈脈絡朝向更多元的面向. 同年更通過台灣頂尖SALSA舞團-舞人島遴選為團員. 2011~2016年於舞人島舞團擔任舞者期間參與國內外多場表演.更透過演出累積個人與團體的表演舞台經驗. 2016年赴美國紐約與多位不同風格的SALSA.老師學習各種SALSA風格. 紐約的莎莎舞(New York Salsa)、哥倫比亞的莎莎舞(Colombia Salsa)、美國洛杉磯的莎莎舞(L.A. Salsa)和古巴的莎莎舞蹈(Cuba Salsa)等。 2017遠赴巴黎進修,與Bionca and Sergio bachata大師一同在國際舞台上表演,更受邀至泰國 、韓國 、日本演出。

Freya has been dancing since she was a child and participated in dance clubs and performances during university. In 2009, she found salsa and bachata and fell in love with the rich music and style of these two dances. From then on she committed to seriously studying latin dance. In 2011 she began training with Korean master Sol and became a member of Dancing Island. In addition to salsa, under Sol she has studied latin jazz, hip hop, ballet, modern, and a variety of other styles. In 2016 she visited New York to further her training in salsa. Freya has taken part in many performances in Taiwan and abroad since 2011 as part of Dancing Island and with other groups and partners.

Freya’s teaching philosophy is to help her students discover within their lives, in addition to family and work, another healthy life experience where they can find and interact happily with friends.

Articles by Freya

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