Gui’s Brazilian Zouk Intensive #1
Date: Saturday 13th
Time: 13:00 – 16:00
Location: Flow Taipei
This class requires dancers to already know zouk fundamental steps-
Basic step, lateral, viradinha, io-io, lunge, simple turn, elastico
- Zouk Fit – Basics Unleashed: our first 30 minutes will be dedicated to follow along Gui to dance Brazilian Zouk’ basic, their variations of speed and direction and body movements.
- Comfort – the basis of everything: for the next 30 minutes we will play and explore the differences between tension and pressure. This hugely influences the quality of touch and the overall feeling of the dance and here we will get to try with everyone and Gui will make sure to also do and exercise the principles with everyone.
- It looks simple but…: for our next 2 hours we will explore as much as we can of our understanding of the basic structures of the dance. We will explore, understand, and most importantly, practice:
- Brazilian Zouk’s main set of foundations: walks, redirections, turns, and openings
- Tracks – a way to play and explore the foundations
- Direction changes (footwork and possibilities); and
- Changes of embrace and distance