Gui’s Brazilian Zouk Intensive #2
Date: Saturday 20th
Time: 13:00 – 16:00
Location: Flow Taipei
Note there is a DAY party right after this intensive (16:00 – 19:30)- see Sunset Zouk
This class requires dancers to already know zouk fundamental steps-
Basic step, lateral, viradinha, io-io, lunge, simple turn, elastico
We will follow a similar structure from the previous week, with some additions:
- Zouk Fit – Release and Change: our first 30 minutes will have our good and old follow along to the basics and their variations, now adding changes in dynamics (speed and size). Let’s exercise the elements required for our bodies to create such changes through repetition and increasing self-awareness
- Comfort – the secret: our next 40 minutes will have a bit more of tension and pressure calibration. Then we will learn the secret for comfort in all dances: adjustments. We’ll get to practice it with the most people possible and with Gui.
- Bring the Flow – Using energy change and Momentum: For the rest of our Saturday, we’ll learn and practice some of the principles that create flow, ease of flow and allows for changes in dynamics while keeping the flow. We’ll use exercises and well known basic patterns to be able to create flow and change it comfortably using momentum, elasticity, and adjustments.