讓我們一起發揮創意!Samuel Funflow 是音樂性和創造力的大師。在這個特別的兩小時工作坊中,他將幫助我們解鎖內在的創造力,並讓我們更自由地表達自己!

日期:5/25 時間:13:00 – 15:00

工作坊結束後,從 15:15 – 19:00 加入我們的 Sunset Zouk,我們的巴西 Zouk 白天派對(另行登記)

Let’s get creative!  Samuel Funflow is a master of musicality and creativity.  In this special two hour workshop, he will help us unlock the creativity inside us and express ourselves with more freedom!

Date: 5/25
Time: 13:00 – 15:00

After the workshop, join us for Sunset Zouk, our Brazilian Zouk day party, from 15:15 – 19:00 (check in separately)
