10個學跳舞的理由 Why You Should Learn How to Dance


Why You Should Learn How to Dance

  1. Dancing makes you smarter. 跳舞讓你變聰明

雖然大家常說,我不會跳舞,我是肢體障礙,但你以為學不會只是因為肢體不協調嗎? 錯!你可能頭腦也不好。

開玩笑的! 但你知道嗎,跳舞其實需要大腦跟身體同時運用,比一般活動更加耗費腦力及體力,你必須要記得每一個動作編排,並讓你的肌肉學習、協調,進而適應並運用不同的肌群發力,而這僅僅是第一階段工作,跳舞就像唱歌一樣,同一首歌有不同的詮釋方式,所以除了訓練肌肉,你還需要學習聽音樂,讓自己和舞伴用最美的方式呈現音樂的可能性。

You’ve heard people say “No, I can’t dance, my body is clumsy, I’m too uncoordinated.”

Let me tell you, it’s not only because your body lack of coordination, it probably because your brain didn’t work well…

Just kidding! But you know what, dancing involves not only your brain but also your body at the same time. It consumes a lot of mental and physical strength, more than many other activities. First, you need to memorize the movement, letting your muscles learn, adjust, and coordinate. This is just the first step. Dancing is just like singing; you have tons of ways to interpret music, so besides training your muscles, you will also need to learn how to listen to the music, so you can express it through dancing.

  1. You get to make new friends. 跳舞能夠認識新朋友


Dancing is not just a hobby, it’s a social activity too. It’s easy to make new friends, so you have a chance to meet people from different backgrounds, stepping out of your comfort zone and making your life more colorful.

  1. You learn how to move your body. 你能夠學會如何控制你的身體


Dancing is not just twisting your waist, flipping your hair, raising your arms- dancing helps you to understand your body in a new way. You’ll improve your posture, control your movement better and make your body more attractive,

  1. You’ll have a fun way to spend your evenings.夜晚不再無聊


Are you tired of the boring life after work? Does it feel like every day is the same? Come and dance! Take a class, go to the party after, have a drink- doesn’t it sound great?

  1. You get to dress up. 你有了打扮的理由

大家都想要再踏入舞會的那一個moment,接收到所有人讚嘆欣賞的眼神和那個倒抽一口氣,你們不想嗎? 好吧,我是很需要滿足一下虛榮心的,打扮不僅僅是為了自己開心,更是社交場合的禮儀,挑一件妳平常上班都不能穿的衣服,和那條為了尾牙購入的浮誇項鍊一直收在抽屜裡嗎?你終於有機會戴上了,越誇張越好,我們就想看到魅力四射的你,穿梭在舞池中。

Everyone wants a WOW moment – a moment when you walk into the party and everyone’s eyes are on you. Don’t  deny it. Dressing up is not just for your own pride; it’s social etiquette. Pick a dress that you never have a chance to wear, take out the necklace that you bought for your ex-boyfriend’s wedding that’s been stored in a drawer- you finally have the chance to put them on. That’s what we want to see a glamorous you.

  1. Dancing spices up your personal life. 跳舞能夠讓你的生活更加多采多姿


It is true that dance can bring more fun and spice into your life.  Every dance has a different feeling; every dance partner is different. Every night is a new experience.

  1. Dancing gets you in shape. 跳舞能夠雕塑體態


Dance is definitely an activity that requires energy and endurance. You need to train small muscles you didn’t use before. Dancing is great cardio, and it also trains your core, booty, and your dream legs. As you are dancing, you’ll feel your body is transforming into its ideal shape.

  1. Dancing help to builds your self-esteem. 跳舞建立你的自尊心


Are you shy? So am I! Dancing will build your confidence and sense of accomplishment, expanding your social circle. You will have more opportunities to connect, to communicate with kind and generous people so you’ll be able to improve your social skills.

  1. Bragging rights. 驕傲的理由


When someone asks what do you do for fun, you can answer, “Oh I like to go out and dance.”  It sounds a lot more interesting than, “Oh, I just hang out at home,” right?

  1. You have fun. 跳舞讓你開心

跳舞開心嗎? 看看我們的課程及活動照片,每個人在跳舞的時候都散發著獨特的魅力,不論你只會基本步或你已經是高手高手高高手,大家都對跳舞都同樣有個一顆充滿熱情的心,還在等什麼呢? 趕快加入我們吧!

Does dance make people happy? Check out the pictures on our Facebook page and www.TLDA.dance.  You’ll find the answer!

Come and join us, whether you’re an experienced dancer or you’ve never set foot on the dance floor, We look forward to seeing you!


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