Instructors at Flow


Body Movement - Bachata - Zouk - Salsa
Co-founder and Head Instructor 出生於台北,畢業於台北商專,從小就喜歡跳舞,專科時期就積極參與各大校園舞會及校內舞蹈演出,充分表現個人舞蹈天份,2005年開始接觸salsa後發掘自己的興趣,即全心投入學習不間斷,自2008年開始密集接受韓籍舞蹈大師-Sol的嚴格舞蹈訓練,在Sol老師專業的指導下,成為台灣頂尖的salsa舞團-舞人島(Dancing Island)之首席女舞者,並跟隨舞團參與國內外大小salsa活動的表演。 師承韓籍SOL老師豐富多元的風格融合了拉丁、非洲、森巴、芭蕾、爵士、現代、探戈以及古巴倫巴等舞蹈脈絡,不僅如此,Mandy本著對舞蹈的極度熱誠,也積極學習各種舞風,包括Zouk, Kizomba, Reggaeton, Dancehall, Twerking, Voguing, Jazz funk,使其舞蹈風格獨具強烈的個人特色,時而性感,時而率性,搭配其絕佳的音樂性,及自然流暢的肢體動作,是近年來台灣Salsa界最受歡迎的女舞者之一,更在拉丁表演藝術界佔一席之地。 2016年更遠赴古巴專攻Afro Rumba、到過墨西哥Alma Latina總部受訓、及紐約向各個頂尖大師學習,秉持不斷創新的精神表演、創作以及教學 Born and raised in Taipei, Mandy Wang has shown dance talent since childhood and was crazy about all kinds of dance events during college. She got hooked on salsa in 2005 and has dedicated much of her life since then to salsa and Afro Cuban dance. Since 2008 she has trained under Korean salsa master Sol intense professional pedagogy, eventually becoming the principle dancer of Dancing Island, the top salsa dance company based in Taiwan. In addition to the wide variety of dance styles taught by Sol, including latin, samba, ballet, jazz, comtemporary, Argentine tango and Afro rumba, she also has continually grown and learned other dances such as zouk, kizomba, reggaeton, dancehall, voguing, and jazz funk. In 2016, she traveled to Cuba to learn folkloric dances such as Afro rumba, trained in Tijuana, Mexico under Sergio Jasso, previous head director of Alma Latina, and furthered her salsa training with salsa masters in New York including Franklin Diaz and Griselle Ponce. In early 2017 she partnered with Calvin Wang to open Taiwan Latin Dance Academy to share her love and passion for dance. Mandy believes in continual education and training, seeking inspiration to create her own choreography and teaching with her unique style. Her wide range of dance experience makes her a unique dancer who can mix sensual and sexy with funk and ghetto style, and her musicality and smooth body movement make her stand out as one of the most attractive dancers on the dance floor. She has performed in many domestic and overseas dance events.

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2014年偶然一次在國外看到戶外的Salsa舞會,那一幕從此印在腦海裡。回國之後開始積極學習Salsa和各種不同的風格,期間也參與海外的各大活動如法國、土耳其、日本、馬來西亞、新加坡、菲律賓、越南、中國,與各國舞者交流進修、也參與表演,努力讓自己成為一個更好的Salsa舞者。 對我來說,Salsa不止是一種舞蹈,而是一種態度、一種文化,展現出拉丁美洲人熱情奔放的人生觀。現在Salsa是我生活的一部分,我也將會把這份對跳舞的熱情分享給更多喜歡拉美文化的人以及對舞蹈有過渴望的人。期待與你們分享更多! In 2014 Dan first saw outdoor Salsa dancing while abroad, and the scene was imprinted on his mind. After returning to Taiwan, he began to actively study Salsa and other dance styles. He has participated and performed in many overseas events in France, Turkey, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, the Phillipines, Vietnam, and China and is always working to improve himself as a dancer. For Dan, Salsa is not just a dance but also an attitude and an opportunity to integrate latin culture into life. He enjoys sharing his passion for latin dance and culture with those who have a desire to dance and looks forward to meeting and helping new dancers.

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Instructor 因為從小就覺得跳舞的女生超正,常常羨慕,所以在大學畢業之後,Sherry終於鼓起勇氣踏進舞蹈教室,誰知道就再也沒出來過。從Jazz開始,Sherry 一開始跳就什麼都想學,Hip Hop, Reggae, Dancehall等等,還有Ballet,沒有人找得到Sherry因為她總是都在跳舞,只因為跳舞很開心。 某一年接觸到拉丁音樂,Sherry超級喜歡古巴的音樂,想跟音樂一起跳舞,因為這樣輾轉找到Salsa,Salsa跟其他的舞蹈很不一樣,她花了很長的時間才開始有一點懂。Social dance是分享,關注別人也了解更多自己。Sherry依然總是在跳舞,她花了很多很多時間(還有錢)跳舞,她還在學習中,不過她有一些小小的方法想跟你分享,或許可以幫助你省點時間(還有錢) ,然後大家一起跳得很開心。 From the time she was a child, Sherry adored dancers because they were so beautiful to her. After graduating from university, she tried a dance class and has never left the dance studio since then! Beginning with jazz, her dedication led her to study many forms of dance, including hip hop, reggae, dancehall… and ballet. Nobody could find Sherry because she was always dancing because it made her happy. One year, latin music appeared in Sherry’s life. She was fascinated by Cuban music and wanted to dance to it, so she found salsa. Salsa is very different from other dances she learned before., and it took her a long time to begin to understand it. Sherry’s philosophy on dancing- “Social dance is sharing. You pay attention to others and also know more of yourself. “ She looks forward to sharing her what she’s learned with students and enjoying happy dances together.

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Glenn Sloat is the founder of Flow Taipei and Sloat Media. Glenn started ballroom dance in college when he needed a physical education class for his degree. After five semesters under Sandy Patterson and Sayhber Rawles, he began to learn salsa dancing. However, he got married in 2008, and his dance life evaporated. In 2016 he started to learn salsa and bachata with Jose at JAS Dance in Santa Rosa. While on a trip to Guam, he decided to visit Taiwan, and he met a lot of local salsa dancers at Brass Monkey and Salud and realized how easy and fun it was to meet interesting new people through dance. He started traveling internationally to go to dance festivals in Canada, Italy, France, and then he went back to Asia for Alex's Thailand International Latin Festival where he met new friends from Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. While traveling around all of these countries in the summer for events like Formosa Salsa Festival, Singapore Bachata Weekend, and Taiwan Salsa Carnival, he fell in love with Taiwan and decided to stay. After joining TLDA, he continued learning salsa and bachata with Calvin and Mandy and worked with them to grow the studio and the dance scene. He was introduced to salsa master Sol and Dancing Island by Mandy and became their big fan and supporter. A long-time amateur photographer, he started taking pictures at parties and eventually started Sloat Media to produce high-quality photos and videos for Taiwan local parties and international dance events. His first introduction to Brazilian Zouk was with Debbie and Kamacho in Hong Kong in 2017. He attended workshops soon after with Alex & Mathilde in Singapore and then went to his first zouk congress, Zouk SEA in Malaysia. He was invited by Cheryl Wu for her weekender with Bruno & Raiza as the videographer, and after that he traveled to Singapore frequently to attend as many of Cheryl's zouk events as possible. Cheryl, Pasindu, and Randy, taught Glenn and Mandy from Cheryl's syllabus, and after also studying online courses from Ivo Veira and Nathalia, and Arthur & Layssa with Mandy and Vanessa, they opened their first zouk classes in September 2019. Later, he met Birdy and Ting in zouk parties and began to also train with them. During the pandemic, he studied online courses from many excellent instructors and continued to expand the zouk program at TLDA. His desire is to help grow the vibrant Brazilian zouk community in Taiwan. The student base at TLDA eventually needed a bigger space to continue growing. So after searching for more than one year with Mandy, Glenn built Flow with the help of Mandy, Vanessa, Wan Yu, and Nana as a brand new space to house TLDA and other beloved dance groups and teachers such as Dancing Island. Since then, he's continued working with Flow's team on its mission to grow and elevate the level of the Afro-Latin social dance community in Taipei, with a personal emphasis on Brazilian Zouk. Glenn's message to everyone is simple- Dance can change your life!

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大學體育課因為不想風吹日曬雨淋而選擇了舞蹈課,這是第一次接觸到雙人舞,也意外的發現我可以靈活運用雙腳! 在北京工作了幾年,2016某一天晚上我有了學跳舞的念頭,街舞?好像有點太年輕!Jazz感覺很難? Salsa舞? 恩,不知道這是什麼…於是我網路搜尋了離我方便的舞蹈教室,隔天我就去上課了。上完第一堂課,老師問下了課我們要去三里屯的social party 你一起來吧。就這樣感受到了社交舞的魅力,我開始了這場旅程! 六年的時間,一路從北京到台灣再到雪梨。曾經一周上四天的課,每天2-3小時,接著再去party,週六早上9-12點參加Oliver的Academy training。期間也參加了表演的訓練及各大Festival的洗禮。2024年開始了教學的旅程,每一個階段的我都非常享受! 跳舞幫助了我更了解自己的身體,更愛美也更有自信! 雙人舞讓我結識了更多的朋友,到世界各地以舞會友! 如果你曾經有過一個念頭想學跳舞, 如果你曾經是聽著音樂就想跳舞的人, 又或者你想嘗試一點新的東西,培養興趣。 那就給自己兩個月,來試試看吧! ======================================== I signed up for dance classes in college because I didn't want to deal with the hassle of being out in the wind, sun, and rain during PE. It was my first time trying partner dancing, and surprisingly, I've got all the moves! After a few years working in Beijing, one night in 2016, I got this wild idea to learn how to dance. Street dance? Seemed a bit too young for me! Jazz looked intimidating.Salsa? No clue! I hit up the internet and found a dance studio nearby. The very next day, I showed up for class! So, After my first lesson, the teacher invited me to a social party in Sanlitun, I got hooked on social dancing and haven't looked back since! So my journey began, in six years bouncing between Beijing, Taiwan, and Sydney. In Sydney, I was hitting up classes four days a week, 2-3 hours each time, then go to the social parties 3 times a week. Saturday mornings were reserved for Oliver's Academy training from 9 to 12! I even dipped my toes into performance training and attended the Latin festivals! Starting teaching in 2024, I can tell I've loved every minute of it! Dancing has helped me connect with my body, feel more confident, connected me with amazing people worldwide! So, if you've ever thought about dancing, If you're the kind of person who dance to the music Or if you're itching for something new, Give yourself a couple of months to give it a whirl! =======================================

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自小古典芭蕾 現代爵士習舞多年,並擅長空中舞蹈/拉丁舞蹈, 曾榮獲國內鋼管比賽冠軍,國際salsa團體比賽亞軍,2016赴美進修,期間為紐約知名舞團Za Fire專職舞者,表演經歷豐富,多次受邀參與國內外各項表演(ballet/ballroom/ pole dance/ salsa/ Bachata / Zouk )現為Salsa/Bachata/ Zouk師資 Vanessa has studied classical ballet and modern jazz for many years, and she also practices aerial dance/Latin dance. She was the champion of an internationally judged pole dance competition in Taiwan and the runner-up of an international salsa team competition. In 2016, she went to the United States for further training. During that period, she was a full-time dancer of the famous New York dance company, Za Fire. Vanessa has been invited many times to participate in various performances at home and abroad (ballet/ballroom/ pole dance/ Salsa/ Bachata/ Zouk), and she now teaches Salsa/Bachata/ and Brazilian Zouk.

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2012夏天,Martin被朋友帶去Salsa Party後,就被Salsa快樂的音樂給吸引,也就此開始踏上跳Salsa的旅程。一路上跟了很多來自不同國家(台灣/日本/義大利/美國)的老師學習,也交到了很多不同國家的朋友。跳了很多年後覺得,Salsa不只是一個跳蹈而是一種語言,就算你們彼此的口說的語言不通,還是可以透過Salsa來和對方在Salsa上互動交流。透過Social Dance,雖然沒有口語的交流,但透過肢體的互動,可以更直接的認識對方,是一個很難得的經驗。如果和Martin一樣覺得這是一件有趣的事,歡迎來教室學習,一同體驗這個樂趣~ In the summer of 2012, Martin went to a salsa party with his friends. He was attracted by Salsa's happy rhythm, and he began his journey to dance salsa. Along the way, Martin has studied with many teachers from different countries (Taiwan/Japan/Italy/USA) and made many friends from different countries. After dancing for many years, Martin feels that Salsa is not just a dance but a language. Even if you do not speak each other's language, you can still interact with each other through Salsa dance. Through Social Dance, although there is no oral communication, you still can get to know each other through physical interaction and even more directly, which is a rare experience. If that interests you, Martin welcomes you to join his classes and enjoy the journey together~

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自國小開始學習芭蕾、現代和中國舞,於臺北市立大學舞蹈學 系中國舞主修,表演創作研究所畢業。曾赴德國、韓國、名古屋、北海道參與演出。大學畢業後開始接觸社交雙人舞hustle、zouk和wcs,並且雙修leader及Follower 。2020年創作了首支zouk雙人小品,並在2020年底運用社交舞發展雙人作品《who’s she ? 》。該作品也在2021年漂鳥創作平台獲選為青年編舞者之一。近年主要研究當代雙人舞,擅長運用接觸即興幫助學生理解身體脈絡以及找到正確的用力方式。 【學歷】 臺北市立大學舞蹈系表演創作組碩士 畢業 臺北市立大學舞蹈系 畢業 【經歷】 2021 第十六屆蔡瑞月國際舞蹈節 |表演者 2021 red bull bar block,沈浸式演出 無夜城 | 表演者 2021 漂鳥舞蹈創作平台 | 青年舞蹈作品編舞者、表演者 2021 拾光號《來生簽證》沈浸式劇場 |動作設計 2020 台北白晝之夜《台北室外網球公開賽》|表演者 2020 台北市立大學碩士班畢業製作問題小姐《who’s she》|編舞、表演者 2019 駐台藝術家Timothy - field work’s N2.3 |表演者 【創作作品】 2016《天地人》、2018《experimental》、2019《Ting & cozyyi》 、 2019《Ting & King 》、2019《半個月亮》、2020 《真 · 閱讀少女》2020 《who’s she ?》 、2021 《冬夜晚 風》

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Dawn Wan Yu


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Ting Yu

范庭瑜,畢業於國立臺灣藝術大學 表演藝術自由工作者,但為了生活偶爾要去當一下社畜。 高中到大學都是接受芭蕾現代等舞蹈訓練,三年前接觸了巴⻄祖克舞,便從此掉入雙人舞 中,從主要肢體表演及創作慢慢轉變為雙人舞教學。 Fan Tingyu, graduated from National Taiwan University of Arts is a freelance performing artist. I received ballet and modern dance training from high school to college. Three years ago, I came into contact with Brazilian Zouk and fell into social dance. In the process, her focus on dance changed from mainly physical performance and creation to teaching of duet dance.

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A Zhen

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Dancing Island

由已故韓國籍舞蹈大師SOL於2011年所成立,是台灣風格獨具的Salsa舞團。Dancing Island師承老師的多元舞蹈風格,融合拉丁、芭蕾、街舞、現代舞、以及Afro Cuban等等。秉持不斷創新的精神在表演、創作以及教學上。 Established in 2011 by the late Korean dance master SOL, Dancing Island is a uniquely Taiwanese Salsa dance company. Dancing Island inherits the diverse dance styles of the teachers- a fusion of Latin, ballet, hip-hop, modern dance, Afro Cuban, and others. They strive to uphold a spirit of continuous innovation in performance, creation and teaching.

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大家好!我是☀Cozyyi☀擁有將近20年的舞蹈資歷~ 我的舞蹈背景從2006年開始學習Breaking、Hip Hop接著涉略各種街舞風格但著重在Hip Hop、Dancehall、House且擁有豐富的教學經歷。 2010年開始接觸雙人舞Lindy Hop,2014把Hustle從紐約帶回台灣成立了Hustle Hustle至今 中間涉略了Blues、Salsa、West Coast Swing。 2023年開始了我的Brazilian Zouk旅程,現在則以Brazilian Zouk及Hustle為主,活躍於國際各大賽事(教學、評審、比賽) Brazilian Zouk戰績 - 2024 NY SBKZ JnJ Novice Leader 第二名 - 2024 SEA Everzouk JnJ Novice Leader 第一名 - 2024 PHX Brazilian Zouk World Championship Rising Star第二名 - 2024 DEN Elevation Zouk JnJ Intermediate Leader 第一名 - 2024 DEN Elevation Zouk JnJ Novice Follower 第二名 Hustle戰績 - 2023 Miami Internation Latin Hustle Festival Strictly Advanced Leader 第一名 - 2023 Miami Internation Latin Hustle Festival Showcase Division Leader 第一名 - 2023 LA Hustle Congress JnJ Advanced Leader 第一名 由於我兩種風格都是雙修(跳Leader也跳Follower) 故擅長診斷、矯正。 另外也擅長Jack & Jill Training、Turns and Spins、舞蹈編排。 Hello everyone! I am ☀Cozyyi and I have nearly 20 years of dancing experience~ My dance background started in 2006 when I learned Breaking and Hip Hop and then dabbled in various street dance styles, but I focused on Hip Hop, Dancehall, and House and I have extensive teaching experience. In 2010, I started to learn Lindy Hop social dancing. In 2014, I brought Hustle back to Taiwan from New York and founded Hustle Hustle. In the meantime, I dabbled in Blues, Salsa, and West Coast Swing. I started my Brazilian Zouk journey in 2023. Now I mainly focus on Brazilian Zouk and Hustle, and am active in major international competitions (teaching, judging, and competitions). Brazilian Zouk results - 2024 NY SBKZ JnJ Novice Leader Second place - 2024 SEA Everzouk JnJ Novice Leader First Place - 2024 PHX Brazilian Zouk World Championship Rising Star2nd place - 2024 DEN Elevation Zouk JnJ Intermediate Leader First Place - 2024 DEN Elevation Zouk JnJ Novice Follower Second place Hustle Record - 2023 Miami Internation Latin Hustle Festival Strictly Advanced Leader 1st Place - 2023 Miami Internation Latin Hustle Festival Showcase Division Leader First Place - 2023 LA Hustle Congress JnJ Advanced Leader First Place I dance both roles (both Leader and Follower) Therefore, I am good at diagnosis and correction. I am also good at Jack & Jill Training, Turns and Spins, and dance choreography.

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