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Co-founder and Head Instructor
出生於台北,畢業於台北商專,從小就喜歡跳舞,專科時期就積極參與各大校園舞會及校內舞蹈演出,充分表現個人舞蹈天份,2005年開始接觸salsa後發掘自己的興趣,即全心投入學習不間斷,自2008年開始密集接受韓籍舞蹈大師-Sol的嚴格舞蹈訓練,在Sol老師專業的指導下,成為台灣頂尖的salsa舞團-舞人島(Dancing Island)之首席女舞者,並跟隨舞團參與國內外大小salsa活動的表演。
師承韓籍SOL老師豐富多元的風格融合了拉丁、非洲、森巴、芭蕾、爵士、現代、探戈以及古巴倫巴等舞蹈脈絡,不僅如此,Mandy本著對舞蹈的極度熱誠,也積極學習各種舞風,包括Zouk, Kizomba, Reggaeton, Dancehall, Twerking, Voguing, Jazz funk,使其舞蹈風格獨具強烈的個人特色,時而性感,時而率性,搭配其絕佳的音樂性,及自然流暢的肢體動作,是近年來台灣Salsa界最受歡迎的女舞者之一,更在拉丁表演藝術界佔一席之地。
2016年更遠赴古巴專攻Afro Rumba、到過墨西哥Alma Latina總部受訓、及紐約向各個頂尖大師學習,秉持不斷創新的精神表演、創作以及教學
Born and raised in Taipei, Mandy Wang has shown dance talent since childhood and was crazy about all kinds of dance events during college. She got hooked on salsa in 2005 and has dedicated much of her life since then to salsa and Afro Cuban dance. Since 2008 she has trained under Korean salsa master Sol intense professional pedagogy, eventually becoming the principle dancer of Dancing Island, the top salsa dance company based in Taiwan.
In addition to the wide variety of dance styles taught by Sol, including latin, samba, ballet, jazz, comtemporary, Argentine tango and Afro rumba, she also has continually grown and learned other dances such as zouk, kizomba, reggaeton, dancehall, voguing, and jazz funk. In 2016, she traveled to Cuba to learn folkloric dances such as Afro rumba, trained in Tijuana, Mexico under Sergio Jasso, previous head director of Alma Latina, and furthered her salsa training with salsa masters in New York including Franklin Diaz and Griselle Ponce. In early 2017 she partnered with Calvin Wang to open Taiwan Latin Dance Academy to share her love and passion for dance.
Mandy believes in continual education and training, seeking inspiration to create her own choreography and teaching with her unique style. Her wide range of dance experience makes her a unique dancer who can mix sensual and sexy with funk and ghetto style, and her musicality and smooth body movement make her stand out as one of the most attractive dancers on the dance floor. She has performed in many domestic and overseas dance events.
Articles by Mandy
Classes by Mandy
Calendar | Weekly Schedule
Our Instructors
Salsa | Zouk | Bachata | Special Topic
Beginner | Solo | Partnerwork | Choreo
Monday | |
![]() Bachata Fundamentals 舞者必修單人技巧 Mandy Bachata Monday 19:30 - 20:30 |
![]() Bachata Partnerwork 雙人技巧與應用 Mandy Bachata Monday 20:45 - 21:45 |
Tuesday | |
![]() Practice- High heels Jazz 高跟爵士小品 (stage 2) Mandy Special Topic * 開始 2025-02-18 * - Need Approval 需要老師批准 - Tuesday 19:30 - 20:30 |
![]() Afro Cuban Tuesday Training Mandy Salsa Tuesday 20:45 - 21:45 |
Wednesday | |
![]() Leave the door open Salsa Shine小品班 Mandy Salsa * Must sign up for full course * Wednesday 19:30 - 20:30 |
![]() Salsa Fundamental DrillingSalsa基礎訓練 Mandy Salsa Wednesday 20:45 - 21:45 |
Saturday | |
![]() Salsa Pro Team Choreo Training Course Mandy Salsa * 開始 2025-02-15 * * Must sign up for full course * Saturday 13:00 - 15:00 |