我買了的禮物 Gifts I bought

Purchase Date OrderID Gift Receiver Redeemed Gift Code
2022-12-28 13510 體驗課 Experience Class (0.5 Flow Points) 無人認領 Unclaimed e9f38ccc1ba8

我買了的禮物 Gifts I received

Gift Giver Redeemed Gift Code
體驗課 Experience Class (0.5 Flow Points) [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed e9f38ccc1ba8
體驗課 Experience Class (0.5 Flow Points) 無人認領 Unclaimed e9f38ccc1ba8
20 Flow points [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed 6af8cbc980df
20 Flow points [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed 6af8cbc980df
體驗課 Experience Class (0.5 Flow Points) [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed 66bbaf00db5e
體驗課 Experience Class (0.5 Flow Points) [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed f1496cbf00f6
1 Flow Point [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed dd2dde535d32
1.25 Flow Points [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed 874b2add857b
體驗課 Experience Class (0.5 Flow Points) [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed e649b6eb958a
體驗課 Experience Class (0.5 Flow Points) [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed 5990653da56b
體驗課 Experience Class (0.5 Flow Points) [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed 772cf17cfbe4
1 Flow Point [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed 7068f5c7fb43
9 Flow Points (線上課 12 Online Classes) [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed cb3213ada483
1 Flow Point [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed b47767f992ce
3 Flow Points (4 線上課 Online Classes ) [email protected] 無人認領 Unclaimed b47767f992ce
兌換一個禮物 Redeem a Gift Code

這個會把禮物加你的帳戶 This will add the gift to your own account
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