Alisson Sandi十二月的大部分時間都在台北,我們將舉辦一場Jack & Jill集訓課程!

Jack & Jill有什麼特別之處?為什麼想了解它或參加比賽? BZDC Jack and Jill 是一項比賽,評判標準是根據你與隨機舞伴的社交舞。

即使你現在不想參加 Jack & Jill 比賽,這種強化訓練仍然對你很有幫助。為什麼?因為評審所重視的東西(時機、技術、團隊合作、音樂性…)是影響社交舞的許多特質!本密集訓練課程的​​目標是提高社交舞的質量,同時幫助您在競爭中取得成功。

在為期一天 6 小時的密集訓練課程中,Alisson將以以下主題為重點:

BZDC 和 J&J 競賽的歷史


地點:Flow 台北

12:00 – 15:00 第一節
15:00 – 15:30 休息
15:30 – 18:30 第二節

21:00 – 00:30 Zouk Infinity 聖誕節版(若只報名課程需另外付費,Full Pass已包含)


你準備好燃燒你的大腦並提高你的舞蹈了嗎? 12 月 16 日星期六見!

Alisson Sandi is in Taipei for most of December, and we will host a special intensive focusing on Jack and Jill Competition!

What’s special about Jack and Jill and why would you want to learn about it or compete? The BZDC Jack and Jill is a competition where you are judged based on your social dancing with random partners. The standards that competitors are judged on give dancers direction on improving their improvisation and technique, gives recognition to people that have worked to improve their dance, and it’s a lot of fun, both for participants and the audience. Watching advanced dancers compete can be very inspiring!

Even if you don’t want to compete in a Jack & Jill right now, this intensive is still useful for you. Why? Because the things judges look for (timing, technique, teamwork, musicality…) are many of the qualities that affect your social dance! The goal of this intensive is to improve the quality of your social dance in ways that will also help you succeed in competition.

In this one-day 6 hour intensive, Alisson will go over topics such as

History of BZDC and J&J Competitions
What To Expect In J&J Competitions
How Judges Score

Music Structure
Maintaining timing (and what to do if your partner does not)
Connecting your dance to the music
Knowing when hits are coming and how to accent them
Controlling weight transfer and connection for better stability and control
Improving aesthetics (lines, body expression, hand placement) to make your dance look as good as it feels
Dancing as a team with partners of different levels

Location: Flow Taipei

12:00 – 15:00 Session 1
15:00 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 18:30 Session 2

21:00 – 00:30 Zouk Infinity Christmas Edition with  (pay separately)

Only passes for the full 6 hour intensive will be available.
Are you ready to burn your brain and improve your dance? See you on Saturday December 16th!

Alisson Sandi 20 多年前在他出生的巴西聖保羅開始跳舞。他善於把看似複雜的事情用合乎邏輯且易於理解的方式解釋出來。在Covid期間,作為Zouk社群的一員,他是巴西Zouk線上課程最多產的創建者之一,我們台灣的許多人都受益於這些課程,並且他繼續在世界各地的活動中單獨或與他的搭檔Christina Montoya一起授課。他也是 BraZouky(墨爾本)、BraZoukynho(美國)和新的 BraZouky Vietnam(2024 年)的創始人。

Alisson Sandi started dancing more than 20 years ago in São Paulo, Brazil where he was born. He is adept at taking something that seems complicated and explaining it in a way that is logical and easy to understand. During Covid as part of District Zouk, he was one of the most prolific creators of Brazilian Zouk online courses which many of us in Taiwan took advantage of, and he continues to teach at events around the world, either solo or with his partner, Christina Montoya. He is also the creator of BraZouky (Melbourne), BraZoukynho (US), and the new BraZouky Vietnam (2024).

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